Isaac Powell
Isaac Powell
Office Address
Academic Office:
4201 St. Antoine, UHC-7C
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: (313) 577-5222
Fax: (313) 577-5217
Click here for patient appointments
Education Training
Medical Training
- Internship, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, 1969-1970
- General Surgery Residency, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, 1970-1971
- Urology Residency, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, 1971-1974
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan: B.S. in Zoology, 1962
- Howard University Graduate School, Washington, DC: M.S. in Embryology, 1965
- Indiana University Medical School, Indianapolis, Indiana: M.D., 1969
Narrative Bio
Dr. Isaac Powell practices urologic oncology with an interest in prostate cancer. His grant funded research interests are in the genetics of prostate cancer development and the influence of race on cancer behavior, particularly in African American men. Dr. Powell is a thought leader in prostate cancer and has published extensively on this disease process.
The focus of my research is on the many ways prostate cancer impacts African Americans in comparison to other ethnic groups. Currently my research is directed toward ethnic differences in the biology/genetics of prostate cancer. I was principle investigator of a nation-wide consortium of recruitment centers (medical centers) to recruit families to examine hereditary prostate cancer among African Americans. We recently reported our initial results of 4 or 5 regions in the genome where genes responsible for hereditary prostate cancer may be found. As a part of an International consortium genetics group, we are comparing our results with other centers around the world. In collaboration with others at our institutions and other institutions across the United States, we are examining the androgen gene variation. We are also studying environmental factors that impact on genes such as diet and inflammation in correlation to clinical outcome. I was recently funded to examine Metabolic Syndrome and Prostate Cancer. We recently completed a study using the DASL technique and found that 60% of the prostate cancer genes that are differentially expressed and associated with advanced disease are different among African American compared to European American men.
Professional Experience
Awards and Other Professional Activities
- Professional Appointments/Societies
- Past Board of Directors of Physicians Insurance Company of Michigan (PICOM)
- Past Vice Chairman of the Board and past Chairman of the Underwriting Committee and Risk Management Committee
- Past President of Michigan Urological Society (1988-1989)
- Wayne County Medical Society
- Michigan State Medical Society
- Detroit Medical Society
- American Urological Association
- Society of Basic Urologic Research
- Society of Urologic Oncology
- Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG)
- American Cancer Society, National Advisory Group on Prostate Cancer
- Prostate Cancer Education Council
- International Consortium for Prostate Cancer Genetics (I.C.P.C.G.)
- American Association Cancer Research #20510
- 1998 President�s Achievement Award for Community Research
- 1st International Prostate Cancer symposium for the patient 1998 Medical Professional Advocate Award
- Howard University Cancer Center Award
- Michiganian of the Year Award, 1995
- Michigan Cancer Foundation Distinguished Service Award
- The MDPH Distinguished Dr. Martin Luther King Award
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the Department of Health & Human Service: Outstanding Community Health Promotion Program
- 2001 American Cancer Society Award In Appreciation for the Commitment to Help Find a Cure
Karmanos Partners Award for Prostate Cancer Research - 2003 Crain�s Detroit Business Magazine, �Healthcare Hero�s�: Outstanding Physician Achievement Award
- 2003 America�s Top Physicians
- 2007 Best Doctors - 2002, 2003 and 2007
Research Interests
- Neoadjuvant Zoladex and Flutamide in Bulky and Non-Bulky Clinical Stage C Carcinoma of the Prostate NCI Protocol: SWOG 9109 Protocol Chairman.
- Powell IJ, Banerjee M, Novallo M, Sakr W, Grignon D, Wood DP, Pontes JE: Prostate cancer biochemical recurrence stage for stage is more frequent among African American versus Caucasian men with locally advanced but not organ confined disease. Urology 55: 246-251, 2000.
- Powell IJ, Carpten J, Dunston G, Kittles R, Bennett J, Hoke G, Pettaway G, Weinrich S, Vijayakumar S, Ahaghotu CA, Boykin W, Mason T, Royal C, Baffoe-Bonnie A, Bailey-Wilson J, Berg K, Trent J, Collins F: African American hereditary prostate cancer study: a model for genetic research Journal National Medical Society 93: 120-123. 2001.
- Powell IJ, Carpten J, Dunston G, Kittles R, Bennett J, Hoke G, Pettaway C, Weinrich S, Vijayakumar S, Ahaghotu CA, Boykin W, Mason T, Royal C, Baffoe-Bonnie A, Bailey-Wilson J, Berg K, Trent J, Collias F: African American hereditary prostate cancer study: a model for genetic research. Journal National Medical Society 93: 120-123, 2001.
- Powell IJ, Dey J, Pontes EJ, Cher ML, Sakr W, and Wood DP: Disease free survival of local prostate cancer among African Americans and Caucasians: A multivariable analysis of race/ethnicity as an independent variable. Urology, 59: 907-912, 2002
- Powell IJ, Tangen M, Miller G, Lowe B, Haas G, Carroll PR: Neoadjuvant Therapy Prior to Radical Prostatectomy for Clinical T3/T4 Carcinoma of the Prostate (5 Year Follow-Up, Phase II Swog Study 9109) Journal of Urology 168:2016-2019, 2002.
- Ahoghotu CA, Baffoe-Bonnie A, Powell IJ, Pettaway C: Clinical Characteristics of African American Men with Hereditary Prostate Cancer: The AAHPC Study. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Disease 165-16, 2004
- Powell IJ, Banerjee M, Bianco FJ, Wood DP Jr., Dey J, Lai Z, Heath M, Pontes EJ: The Effect of Race/Ethnicity on Prostate Cancer Treatment Outcome is Conditional: A Review of Wayne State University Data. Journal of Urology 171:1508-1512, 2004.
- I.J. Powell, J.Y, Zhou, Y. Sun, W.A Sakr, N.P. Patel, L. K. .Heilbrun, and R.B.Everson: CYP3A4 Genetic Variant and Disease Free Survival among Caucasian and African American Men After Radical Prostatectomy. Journal of Urology 172, 1848 -1852, November, 2004.
- Kittles RA, Baffoe-Bonnie AB, Collins FS, Dunston G, Powell IJ, Carpten JD: A Common Nonsense Mutation in EphB2 is associated with prostate cancer risk in African American men with a positive family history. Journal of Medical Genetics September 2005.
- Bangsi D, Zhou JY, Sun Y, Patel NP, Darga LL, Heilbrun LK, Powell IJ, Severson RK, and Everson RB: Impact of Genetic Variant in CYP3A4 on Risk and Clinical Presentation of Prostate Cancer Among White African-American Men. Urologic Oncology, September 2005.
- Altinok G., Powell I.J., Che M.X., Hormont K., Sarkar F.H., Sakr W.A., Grignon D, Liao D.J.: 2005 Reduction of QM protein expression correlates with tumor grade in prostatic adenocarcinoma. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Disease. Prostate Cancer and Prostate Diseases 9:77-87, 2005
- Baffoe-Bonnie A, Kittles RA, Gillanders E, Ou L, George A, Ahaghotu C, Bennett J, Boykin W, Hoke G, Mason T, Pettaway C, Vijayakumar S, Weinrich S, Jones MP, Lockwood E, Klaric M, Faruque M, Royal C, Trent JM, Berg K, Collins FS, Fubert-Harris P, Bailey-Wilson JE, Dunston G, Powell I, Carpten JD: Genome-wide Linkage of 77 Families from the African American Hereditary Prostate Cancer Study (AAHPC). Prostate, 67:22-36, 2007
- Powell IJ: Epidemiology and Pathophsiology of Prostate Cancer in African American Men. J. of Urol. 177:444-449, 2007.
- Powell IJ. Race biochemical disease recurrence and prostate�specific antigen doubling time in the search database. Cancer 110 (10): 2153-2154, 2007.
- Powell IJ, Bock CH, Ruterbusch JJ, Sakr W. �Evidence supports a faster growth rate and/or earlier transformation to clinically significant prostate cancer in black than in white American men and influence racial progression and mortality disparity.� J Urol. 2010 Mar 16 [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 20299055